Accreditation Standards

The accreditation standards for the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) are designed to provide a description of what is expected of the provider responsible for teaching, learning and assessment associated with the programme.

The current accreditation standards for the MPharm programmes were first introduced in 2019.  These standards were reviewed in 2024 and approved again by the PSI Council. These accreditation standards will underpin future accreditation processes. Annual reporting for currently accredited training programmes is carried out against these standards.

We also review the programmes of education and training being provided by each of the three schools of pharmacy in Ireland. The pharmacy degree programmes are assessed against our approved accreditation standards to ensure programmes are meeting the relevant criteria as defined by the PSI Council.

The accreditation standards are designed to provide a description of what is expected of the provider responsible for the teaching, learning and assessment associated with the programme.

The accreditation standards were most recently reviewed in 2023. As part of the review, we consulted stakeholders and undertook a benchmarking exercise against the accreditation standards of international pharmacy programmes. No amendments to the accreditation standards were recommended as part of the review. The accreditation standards were approved by the PSI Council at its meeting on 28 March 2024 for a further five years.     

Annual reporting for currently accredited training programmes is also carried out against the accreditation standards.