Internet Supply - Overview
Prescription medicines are not allowed to be sold on the internet in Ireland. Some medicines that do not need a prescription, are allowed to be sold.
Anyone who wishes to sell non-prescription medicines over the Internet in Ireland must register with the PSI and have their name listed on the approved Internet Supply List. Registered websites must also display the EU common logo on every web page that offers non-prescription medicines for sale.
The common logo for Irish-registered internet suppliers
The aim of the EU common logo is to help members of the public to identify websites that can legally sell medicines online. This is a requirement across the EU which was introduced by the Falsified Medicines Directive. The common logo can only be displayed on websites that are entered on the Internet Supply List.
The list of all websites registered on the Internet Supply List in Ireland is available on the PSI online register.
- Part A of the Internet Supply List includes Retail Pharmacy Businesses that also sell non-prescription medicines online
- Part B of the Internet Supply List includes Non-Retail Pharmacy Businesses (retailers that are not a pharmacy)
You’ll find more information here about regulatory requirements, record keeping, Medicinal Product requirements, inspections etc.
If you would like further information, contact us at
No, you do not need to be registered with the PSI if non-prescription medicines that are sold are collected from a pharmacy or a non-pharmacy retailer.
You do however, need to register with the PSI if you intend to sell and supply non-prescription medicines at a distance over the internet.
No. Each pharmacy supplying non-prescription medicines online must be registered on the Internet Supply List. This is regardless of if there is only one company website address.
You can only sell non-prescription medicines online in other EEA countries and only if you are registered on the PSI Internet Supply List and you are selling a medicinal product that is licensed in that EU/EEA country you are supplying to.
No. It is prohibited (as per Regulation 19A(8) of the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003 (as amended)) to sell and supply non-prescription medicines at a distance by means of information society services to a member of the public in the UK or any other country outside the EU/EEA.
The common logo is a safety feature that allows members of the public identify legitimate online suppliers of non-prescription medicines, giving reassurance that the purchase is safe. All websites in the European Union (EU), including Ireland, which supply non-prescription medicines over the internet, have to clearly display the EU common logo.
The common logo is recognisable throughout the EU and will provide a link to the approved supplier list for the country where the website is established.
Only suppliers who are registered on the Internet Supply List are authorised to display the EU common logo on their website.
No. The PSI is the only authorised body who may issue the EU Common Logo to all premises registered on the Internet Supply List.
Websites established within the EU are entitled to supply non-prescription medicines in Ireland provided the product supplied has been authorised for use in Ireland by the HPRA, the medicines regulator.
These websites must also display the EU common logo applicable in their country, which is similar to the logo above, but will display the flag of that country. Customers and suppliers should be aware that there may be differences between countries regarding classification of medicines and how they can be supplied.
You can find a link to websites displaying the EU common logo by searching the Internet Supply List.
Read our leaflet about buying non-prescription medicines safely online.
Making sure a website has the EU common logo is one of the checks you should make before purchasing your non-prescription medicines on the internet. You should also:
- avoid websites which offer to supply prescription-only medicines without a prescription;
Be aware that all websites selling non-prescription medicines online are required to check the following:
- The customer is over 18
- The customer knows that the medicine should be used in accordance with the recommendations for use contained within the product packaging
- The total quantity of the product supplied is reasonably required by the customer for his or her personal treatment
- Be aware that pharmacies are required to check that a medicine is suitable for a patient before selling it. If you are not asked to provide this information about your health before a purchase, you should consider buying from an alternative vendor.
Not all individual pharmacies or stores in a group or chain are required to be registered on the Internet Supply List. Groups and chains are only required to notify the PSI of those pharmacies or stores from which they supply non-prescription medicinal products.
You should be told as part of your order, the name of the pharmacy or store your non-prescription medicine will be supplied from. You can also check if the individual pharmacy or store that is supplying to you is registered on the Internet Supply List.
If you have concerns about a supplier registered on the PSI Internet Supply List or about a website that is supplying non-prescription medicines without displaying the EU common logo, please contact the PSI at or call us on 01 218 4000.
If you would like further information on your rights as a consumer buying products online, the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission has a Consumer Help website. The Commission enforces the distance selling and e-commerce regulations and can investigate possible breaches of legislation or consumer rights.