The PSI launches new website at

July 31, 2024

PSI – The Pharmacy Regulator has launched a new website that can be visited at As part of its extended Corporate Strategy 2021-2024, the new website supports the PSI’s commitment to engage in a broad and accessible manner with patients, the public and registrants and to communicate clearly and consistently with stakeholders that include the Department of Health, HSE, other public bodies, regulators and the media.

The new website is mobile responsive and user-friendly with improved accessibility and design. It hosts the registers for pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmaceutical assistants and the Internet Supply List which are searchable from the homepage. The PSI’s website redevelopment project also supports its commitment as a public body in becoming a digital-first regulator. 

Underway at the PSI, is a digital transformation programme ‘Better Ways of Working’ that is bringing numerous benefits to the organisation and its registrants and is delivering effective and efficient digital services to members of the public, supported by well-designed, reliable and robust technology solutions. 

“Effective and clear communication and engagement with our stakeholders including the public is central to our remit as the pharmacy regulator.”

Joanne Kissane, Registrar and Chief Officer, PSI – The Pharmacy Regulator.

“The new website is created on a modern scalable digital platform and the innovative approach we’ve taken will help us to build even greater awareness of our role, so that the public can be informed of the standards they can expect from pharmacists and pharmacies. As our primary communication channel, the new website will serve us well into the future as we look to support enhanced and expanded pharmacy services in Ireland.”

The new website delivers an intuitive layout, enhanced search functionality and utilises multi-media in a seamless and engaging way. It also features imagery from pharmacies across Ireland and from within the PSI offices, which were specially commissioned to give an accurate and authentic representation of modern pharmacy services and pharmacy regulation in Ireland.