The PSI launches its 2nd annual pharmacist workforce survey 2023
Given the national importance of this survey we encourage all pharmacists, regardless of your area of work and 5th year pharmacy students, to take time to complete the survey.
The first workforce survey was conducted in November 2022 which is part of the PSI's strategic project that aims to assess emerging risks to the future pharmacy workforce in Ireland’s community and hospital pharmacies. That survey resulted in the publication of the PSI Pharmacy Workforce Intelligence Report. This report, the first of its kind in Ireland, contains a series of recommendations and actions for the PSI and other stakeholders to progress. An implementation and oversight group will be established to monitor the progress of these recommendations.
Your participation in this annual workforce survey will help to track workplace trends and monitor the effect of the implementation of the recommendations and actions in the PSI Pharmacy Workforce Intelligence Report. If any registered pharmacists or 5th year pharmacy students want to take part in this survey or have any questions, please send queries to the project team by email at
More information about the PSI's strategic project and survey are available here.