Pharmacy Assessment System

The Pharmacy Assessment System is an annual self-audit tool for pharmacies. It allows pharmacies to evaluate and improve their practices, demonstrating commitment to patient safety and quality care. 

Benefits of completing the Pharmacy Assessment System 

Commitment to patient safety and quality care 

Demonstrates to both the public and the PSI that the pharmacy team is dedicated to maintaining high standards of patient safety and care. 

Preparation for inspections 

Ensure the pharmacy is well prepared for the PSI inspections, reducing the risk of non-compliance and facilitating smoother inspection processes. 

  • Continuous improvement
  • Identifies areas for improvement and provides a structured approach to addressing them, enhancing overall pharmacy operations. 


Components of the Pharmacy Assessment System 

The Pharmacy Assessment System contains  

Roles and Responsibilities 

Supervising pharmacists  

Supervising pharmacists are responsible for completing each section of the Pharmacy Assessment System. 

Superintendent pharmacist and the pharmacy owner(s):  

  • If different from the supervising pharmacist, they are expected to support the supervising pharmacist in completing the Pharmacy Assessment System. 
  • They are also responsible for signing off on the action plans that identify areas for improvement or review within the pharmacy.  

Resources and Support 

The use of the Pharmacy Assessment System is supported with resources including a: 

  • Detailed Guide that explains how to begin using the Assessment System and answers to frequently asked questions.  
  • Schedule for completion has been created, helping pharmacies stay on track with their self -assessment. 
Video to assist supervising pharmacists when completing the Assessment System

Additional Information 

Information on the development of the Pharmacy Assessment System.

You can also read the findings and recommendations of the 2018 Pharmacy Assessment System review for further insights.  

For any questions or assistance in relation to the Pharmacy Assessment System, please email