Submissions to Public Consultations
The PSI regularly contributes to the public consultations of other organisations, where it is relevant to our role. We do so in the interest of strengthening the quality and safety of health and social care services and to share information and knowledge across the health and social care system.
Submissions in 2024 to date include the draft National framework for the transition of care from paediatric to adult services and draft IHREC Strategy Statement.
Consultation Title | Link to PSI Response |
Transition of Care from Paediatric to Adult Services: A draft National Framework - HSE National Clinical Programme for Paediatrics and Neonatology and National Transition of Care to Adult Services Working Group. | PSI Submission to HSE Transition of Care to Adult Services Draft Framework |
Consultation on the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Strategy Statement 2025-2027 - Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC). | PSI Submission to IHREC Public Consultation |
Submissions in 2023 include the Department of Health’s draft Patient Voice Partner Policy, the draft Code of Practice on the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty, and draft National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care.
Consultation Title | Link to the PSI Response |
HIQA public consultation on Draft National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care (January) | PSI Response to HIQA Consultation on Draft National Standards for Information Management |
Medical Council stakeholder consultation on draft Rules for Maintenance of Professional Competence and accompanying Guidelines. (February) | PSI Response to Medical Council Public Consultation on Maintenance of Professional Competence |
Department of Health Statement of Strategy 2023-2025. | |
Department of Health Public Consultation on the draft Patient Voice Partner (PVP) Policy. (March) | PSI Submission DoH Patient Voice Partner Policy |
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) draft Digital health competency standards and requirements for undergraduate nursing and midwifery education programmes (May) | PSI Submission to NMBI Digital Health Competencies Consultation |
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) Consultation on the draft Code of Practice on the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty (June) | PSI Submission IHREC Code of Practice Consultation |
Comments to support the development of Ireland's first World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) assessment report, developed by the Core Group for WBTi Ireland. (November) | PSI Submission WBTI Draft Assessment for Ireland |
Submissions in 2022 include the draft Policy framework for Open Disclosure in the Irish Health Sector, mid-term review of Ireland’s One Health National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance and ICT enablement considerations for our health service.
Consultation Title | Link to the PSI Response |
Mid-term review of Ireland’s One Health National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2021- 2025 (iNAP2) | PSI Submission iNAP2 Mid-term Review 2022 |
Draft Policy Framework for Open Disclosure in the Irish Health Sector to the National Patient Safety Office (NPSO), Department of Health | PSI Submission NPSO National Framework for Open Disclosure |
Submission to inform the work of the Public Health Reform Expert Advisory Group | PSI Submission to Inform the Work of PHREAG |
Knowledge and Skills Framework for Healthcare Professionals Working with the Older Person developed by the Health Service Executive, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and National Integrated Care Programme for Older Persons | PSI Submission Knowledge Skills Framework HCP Working with Older_Person |
HSE position paper on clinical governance for planning, oversight, and delivery of clinical care for older people in residential care services in Ireland | PSI Submission HSE Clinical Governance Older People Residential Care Services |
HIQA's public consultation on draft recommendations on a model for health information standards to support the delivery of health and social care services in Ireland | PSI's submission on HIQA's model for health information standards |
HIQA's public consultation on draft recommendations on ICT enablement of older person services in Ireland | PSI's submission on HIQA's draft recommendations on ICT enablement of older person services in Ireland |
Consultation on the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Draft National Clinical Guideline | PSI submission on the IPC Draft National Clinical Guideline |
HIQA's public consultation to inform recommendations on a consent model for the collection, use and sharing of health information in Ireland | PSI submission to HIQA's consultation to inform recommendations on a consent model for the collection, use and sharing of health information in Ireland |
HIQA draft National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care | PSI Submission HIQA Model for Health Information Standards |
Medical Council revised draft standards and criteria for quality assuring medical education and training | PSI Submission Medical Council Quality Assuring Medical Education Training |
Please contact us if you would like to access our responses to consultations in previous years.