Business Transformation Programme

The PSI’s Business Transformation Programme leading to ‘Better Ways of Working’ 

Better ways of working

In 2018, we began a digital transformation journey that is bringing numerous benefits to the PSI and its registrants and will deliver an effective and efficient digital service to members of the public. A key objective of the Business Transformation Programme is to evolve our ways of working and how we interact with registrants, wider stakeholders and the public, supported by a well-designed, reliable and effective technology solution.  The main theme of this programme is to deliver Better Ways of Working. 

 A core component of our Business Transformation Programme is a digital services transformation project, which focuses on the design and development of a new improved secure and effective ICT system. This project will also give effect to the PSI's Digital Policy Statement – Digital First 2018-2021, which reflects the broader public service context within which the PSI operates. It will also reflect many of the key policy commitments as published by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform relating to digital developments.