Governance Reviews

The PSI Council is responsible for the operation of a system of regulation of pharmacists and pharmacies. As a statutory regulator, it is important that patients and the public have confidence in the PSI, the pharmacy regulatory system and in the ongoing safety of pharmacies and pharmacy services. 

Review of the role and governance remit of the PSI Council sub-structures 2018

The PSI Council applies high standards of governance to operate in the best interest of patients and the public, as it delivers on its functions as specified under the Pharmacy Act 2007.

In 2018, the PSI undertook a review of the role and governance remit of all sub-Council structures. The sub-Council structures refer to the Advisory Committees and any other sub-groups that are established by the PSI Council to support and advise it in relation to the performance of its functions. 

The review did not include the Disciplinary Committees of the Council, established under Part 6 of the Pharmacy Act 2007. The review was undertaken by an external party, Better Boards and sought to assess the current sub-Council governance structures and provide recommendations on any appropriate revised structures which might be proposed to improve the effectiveness of Council in the streamlining of their work. 

At the time of conducting the review, the PSI Council had six Advisory Committees and a further subgroup as well as other working groups of particular purpose. Key recommendations of the review include disbanding the existing Committee arrangements and to instead put in place four Advisory Committees of the Council including the retention of the Audit and Risk Committee. 

The PSI Council adopted the recommendations set out in the final report on 21 June 2018.  The new Advisory Committee structure has been in place since 2019.