Prompt Payments

The PSI complies with the Prompt Payment Code of Conduct, and publishes prompt payments data quarterly.


Quarter 2

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter 2 2024 450  1,490,889.17 100% 
Number of payments within 15 days   334   1,325,162.59  74% 
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   87  140,123.75  19% 
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   2 2,533.55  1% 
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   27 23,069.28 6% 
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter 2 2024  N/A    9.83  N/A   
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter 2 2024  N/A    110.00   N/A   

Quarter 1 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter 1 2024   416  1,567,674.55  100% 
Number of payments within 15 days   192   573,681.81  46% 
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   156  913,594.21  37% 
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   19  29,192.24  5% 
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   49  51,206.29  12% 
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    95.60   N/A   
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    880.00   N/A   


Quarter 4   

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   463   1,599,718.78   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   322   882,318.14    70%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   100   651,036.42   21%  
Payments made in excess of  30 days that were subject to LPI   and compensation costs   13   35,223.93    3%  
Payments made in excess of  30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   28   31,140.29    6%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    62.25   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    760.00   N/A  


Quarter 3 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   438   1,388,118.81   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   164   576,794.07    37%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   163   719,867.85   37%  
Payments made in excess of  30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   52   50,202.70    12%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   59   41,254.19    14%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    451.22   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    2,560.00   N/A  


Quarter 2 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   490   1,352,320.02   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   222   605,173.23    45%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   180   579,952.74   37%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   61   139,708.43    12%  
Payments made in excess of  30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   27   27,485.62    6%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    950.29   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    3,310.00   N/A  


Quarter 1 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   604   1,722,157.72   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   241   340,050.84    40%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   157   791,946.82    26%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   183   573,574.76    30%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   23   16,585.30 4%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    3,234.82    N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    5,290.00    N/A  


Quarter 4 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   512   1,218,237.90   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   87    173,430.85    17%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   188    623,772.42    37%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   149   325,705.51    29%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   88   95,329.12    17%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    889.56    N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    2,350.00    N/A  


Quarter 3 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   369   1,100,178.41    100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   87   218,523.09    24%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   229   689,410.19    62%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   38   182,526.68    10%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   15   9,718.45    4%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    107.43    N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter    N/A    590.00    N/A  


Quarter 2 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   359   880,195.93   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   159   152,090.58   44%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   165   578,341.58   46%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   8   108,317.09   2%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   27   41,446.68   8%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A    176.59   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter    N/A    680.00   N/A  


Quarter 1 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   302   1,201,573.75   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   154    639,890.88   51%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   128   400,029.46   42%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   3   149,534.37   1%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   17   12,119.04   6%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter    N/A     153.33   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter    N/A                              300.00   N/A  


Quarter 4 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   367    1,082,127.86    100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   230    670,917.44    63%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   128   374,443.38    35%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   0 0 0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   9   36,767.04    2%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   0   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   0   N/A  



Quarter 3

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   428   1,256,416    100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   280   800,252    65%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   137   436,668    32%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   1   6,382    0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   10   13,114    2%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A    7.02    N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   70.00    N/A  



Quarter 2 


Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   350    1,169,357   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   245    638,102   55%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   103    529,294   45%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   0 0 0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   2    1,961   0%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  


Quarter 1   

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   438   1,132,653   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   210   485,108   43%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   152   512,581   45%  
Payments made in excess of  30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   1   3,311   0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   75   131,653   12%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   7.28   0%  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   70.00   0%  


Quarter 4 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   366   968,000   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   152   307,654   32%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   180   548,774   57%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   0   0   0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   34   111,572   11%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  


Quarter 3 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   440   951,214   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   362   506,559   53%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   62   418,936   44%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   2   8,307   1%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   17   17,412   2%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   21.93   0%  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   140   0%  


Quarter 2 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   320   1,192,696   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   202   526,198   44%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   98   290,549   24%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   4   366,913   31%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   16   9,035   1%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   1,309.90   0%  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   300.00   0%  

Quarter 1 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   396   1,383,246   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   325   1,234,040   89%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   55   119,209   9%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   1   347.00   0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   15   29,650   2%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   0   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   0   N/A  


Quarter 4  

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   576   1,255,930 100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   476   1,081,444   86%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days 78   129,704 10%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   1   34,000 3%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   8   10,782 1%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   1    97.24 0%  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   1    97.24 0%  


Quarter 3 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   385   1,050,713.88   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   319   596,679.14   57%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   64   313,135.74   30%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   0   0   0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to  LPI and compensation costs   1   140,899.00   13%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  


Quarter 2

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   486   1,145,836   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   400   714,369   62%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   63   407,178   36%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   4   10,203   1%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   19   14,087   1%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   1   28.34   0%  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   1   28.34   0%  


Quarter 1 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   453   1,138,439   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   350   921,513   81%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   88   136,776   12%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   1   63,825   6%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   14   16,325   1%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   14   N/A  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   100   N/A  


Quarter 4 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   534   1,309,382   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   439   1,049,057   80%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   82   249,448   19%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   0   0   0%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   13   10,877   1%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  


Quarter 3 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   469   1,133,097   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   387   515,721   83%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   67   467,255   14%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI  and compensation costs   6   144,972   1%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   9   5,089   2%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   597   0%  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   200   0%  


Quarter 2  

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   523   1,031,588   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   347   564,569   55%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   121   279,387   27%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   22   183,070   18%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   33   4,562   1%  
Amount of late payment  interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   2,398  0%  
Amount of compensation costs paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  


Quarter 1 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   440   697,322.00   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   362   573,020.00   82%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   22   23,028.00   3%  
Payments made in excess of 30 days that were subject to LPI and compensation costs   14  



Payments made in excess of 30 days that were not subject to LPI and compensation costs   42   18,257.18   2%  
Amount of late payment interest (LPI) paid in Quarter   N/A   Payment pending   0%  
Amount of compensation costs  paid in Quarter   N/A   0   0%  


Quarter 4 

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   541   1,712,753   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   358   1,154,177   64%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   130         290,102   25%  
Number of payments made in excess of 30 days   53         268,473   11%  
Disputed invoices   23   34,501   0  

Quarter 3

Details   Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   361   876,333   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   151   231,782   42%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   123   387,423   34%  
Number of payments made in excess of 30 days   87   257,128   24%  
Disputed invoices   0   0   0  

Quarter 2  

Details  Number   Value €  Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   382   937,821   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   212   648,318   54%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   94   170,338   22%  
Number of payments made in excess of 30 days   76   119,165   24%  
Disputed invoices   0   0   0%  

Quarter 1 

 Details   Number   Value   Percentage of total payments made  
Total payments made in quarter   232   483,736   100%  
Number of payments within 15 days   127   266,586   55%  
Number of payments within 16 to 30 days   68   159,300   29%  
Number of payments made in excess of 30 days   37   57,850   16%  
Disputed invoices   0   0   0%